
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Why our clients, believe in us!


Every Friday on social media we post real feedback from our Learners, Customers and others on a range of subjects!

Customer Feedback

Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, "An excellent course. The presenter’s enthusiasm is infectious and makes the learning experience very enjoyable!'' 
S Simpson - Business Development Manager Imerys Minerals Ltd
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, ‘’I found this course extremely informative, and the instructors teaching methods helped to ensure information was being understood and retained''. 
S Burgoyne – Transport Manager Biocow Ltd 
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, ''A week that sounds boring and mundane, very enjoyable and rewarding - Top of the Hierarchy''. 
A Baldry - Manager Shred & Recycle It
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, ''after spending 6 months elsewhere trying to complete a WAMITAB qualification, I contacted Ben at HSEC Services who was very knowledgeable and helpful. I will definitely recommend to anyone who needs a qualification''. 
O Holley - Manager Holley Ltd
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, "I attended the 5-day WAMITAB course to obtain my relevant qualification, the course from start to finish was very informative! Great tutor and I would highly recommend HSEC Services’’. 
J Hyde - Director Pips Skips Ltd
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, "Fantastic course. Every effort made by the Presenter and Centre to ensure we have a complete understanding of waste management. The waste Encyclopedia! Access to everything we need to run a waste site effectively!''
H McLaughlin - Manager
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, "Enjoyed the course very much. If you are looking to get better knowledge on waste management I would strongly recommend.''
B Docwra - Foreman
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management – VRQ said, "A lot to learn, but excellent course and very professional in all aspects ".
S Lee - Manager EE Green & Sons Ltd
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, "I have taken in a lot of information that will improve my workplace. A great course with a lot of help!
J Cantrell - Owner Vauxhall Ford Centre
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management – VRQ said, ''As a relatively new entrant to waste management I have found this course invaluable, and the information and literature I have taken away with me will be useful for years to come''
R.Willing - Owner Clacton Car Breakers
Attended ADR and Hazardous Waste Course said, ''Very efficient! Good communication with adjusting the course to fit our needs. Trainer excellent and very informative.''.
D.Haynes - Manager Augean North Sea Services Ltd
Attended Continuing Competence Refresher Course - said, "Excellent course, which made me feel more confident before sitting my test’’. 

Centre Note: Delegate passed his test first time.
G Prior - Manager
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, ''Very good and well-executed course. Designed to ensure you take in the information and it is stored accordingly. Slides are well laid out and contain the right amount of information''. 
C Savage – General Manager Biocow Ltd 
Attended Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ said, "We looked at other providers, who had courses running in Birmingham, and other locations but you were able to provide a course locally to suit our needs. 

I learnt lot's and it was all very interesting! The presenter was very professional in all ways, excellent course highly recommended! "
K Lee - Manager at Folkes Plant & Aggregates Ltd 
"We required a safety audit of our storage and processing unit, within minutes of making contact with HSEC Services, a date was organised and the audit was carried out on time and on schedule which allowed us to achieve our ISO accreditation!"
J Shorrock - Director Citrus Security Shredding
“The first time I tried this company, I was hooked. Everything was so fabulous and easy. I’ll never go back to anyone else.”
Sheila Marks - Director
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