INFO - CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 VRQ Course Formats Explained

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ

Course Formats Explained

Standard Split Courses

Standard split courses allow you time between courses, to start the required question paper assignments, while still ensuring the training is still fresh in your mind!

This option is ideal those applying for any new permit applications, as well as those looking to ensure they have additional internal cover for a site, or where an agreement is in place with a regulator, to achieve the award due to issues surrounding any previous technically competent manager. This option is the most popular choice with our customers, as it provides flexibility to complete the award at your own pace.  ccccc c c c

Extreme Split Courses

Extreme split courses are designed for those, who want to complete the course and qualification over a more manageable period of time, allowing you time between courses, to complete the written question paper assignments.

Ideal for those who are new to the waste management sector, those in small teams, as well as those with a busy schedule. This option has seen people complete in a similar time frame to the other two course formats, despite the training taking place over an average period of 6 months, and is extremely popular with our customers. ............................... 

Intensive Courses

Intensive courses are designed for those who need to achieve the qualification quickly, for reasons such as having no technical competence in place at an existing facility, or where the individual is applying new environmental permit.

While you might complete the training quicker with this option, if you can’t find the time to complete the question paper assignments, you may find one of the other options are more suitable, to ensure the knowledge gained is applied and retained, otherwise you may need to do a bit more research in order to achieve the qualification. ccccc ccc c c

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